DCG NFT Updates


Recap from DCG Update NFT Call on 7/5/2022 (From Shahab)

  1. Have a list of projects that are likely to not only survive this bear market but also thrive after this bear run is over.
    1. These are some of the projects I have on my wish list:
      1. Gossamer Seeds
      2. Renga Blackbox
      3. RTFKT
      4. Otherside
      5. Llamascape Land & Entities
      6. Akutar
      7. Murakami
      8. 10KTF
      9. Boki
      10. Substrata Land
      11. CloneX
      12. Mirror Pass
      13. My Pet Hooligan
      14. Skin Vial
      15. Metashima
      16. Moonbirds + other bluechips
  2. Have a Specific plan with dates and deadlines
    1. Now that you have a list of long term projects, make a plan on how you will take a position in all those projects over the next few weeks. For example one week I’ll buy a 10KTF, the week after that I’ll buy Renga Black box etc. and slowly build up my portfolio
  3. Don’t panic
    1. Once you have taken your positions stake what you can and throw them in a cold wallet and forget about them. You can trade peaks and bottoms if you want but don’t panic sell something. Trust your gut on good projects with good team and HODL until this cycle is over and next one starts where you take profits.